Jaime Gagadin
Jaime Gangadin has been in capital markets for almost 15 years. He path in finance began with his education at York University where he completed a specialized Honours in Economics and Business through the Financial Analysis stream. Starting in fund analytics, he worked his way to becoming an RT (registered trader) in equities and a licensed trader in options for National Bank where he achieved a top 5 ranking, branch and firm wide, on multiple occasions and always achieving positive results. After completing an MBA at the Schulich School of Business, he helped spear head a search fund and functioned as research analyst. Later, he would become a VP for a PE firm to help analyze companies and negotiate deals for take overs. Utilizing the varied experience, he would then become a director of Finance and Investments and an Associate Portfolio Manager at fund companies helping to initiate innovative processes, examining companies for the various portfolios, and managing investments to have the largest performing investment of the Absolute Return fund's history. Providing financial and strategic guidance and outlook for awarewear with financial models and projections, strategic planning and forecasting, assisting with investor decks, and generating qualified investor leads. Currently helping to ensure appropriate financial policies and procedures are in place so that awarewear can always demonstrate a clear financial picture with absolute transparency.